
Yoga therapy

Yoga is an ancient physical, mental, and spiritual practice that seeks to integrate the mind and body to create a harmonious whole. Through a series of physical movements and breathing patterns, yoga encourages the release of physical and emotional tensions while focusing the mind on the present moment. Yoga is a highly versatile therapy that has been shown to be effective in treating a wide range of mental disorders, including depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and schizophrenia.

There are concrete biological reasons for this: as you move through the practice, your brain releases oxytocin, a chemical that creates a sense of inner peace, bonding, improved social connection, and stability. Serotonin, dopamine, and endorphin production also increase, enhancing mood, alleviating depressive symptoms, reducing anxiety, and generating a sense of well-being. Research suggests that yoga releases trauma held in the body while improving distress tolerance and self-esteem. Danish Rehabilitation offers yoga instruction to allow you to experience these positive effects and integrate them into your overall treatment plan.

Yogaterapi - Dansk Rehabilitering

A path to self-discovery and healing

The accompanying yoga instructors at Dansk Rehabilitering create a safe, supportive space for exploring yoga practice regardless of fitness level or previous experience. Mindfulness is incorporated throughout yoga sessions, creating a truly integrative mind-body therapeutic process that enhances your awareness of somatic and psychological sensations and responses. As you move through postures and breathing patterns, you begin to develop the skills necessary to carefully regulate your emotional state and reduce reactivity.

You can also gain a new understanding of your body’s abilities and an improved self-image as you master both physical and mental challenges. Yogic practices don’t have to be limited to a therapeutic setting; you can use the movements and breathing exercises independently as part of your ongoing recovery journey, empowering yourself to heal and address emotional distress with confidence.

Benefits of Yoga