The ancient Chinese art of acupuncture is based on a belief that mental and physical well-being depends on the continuous flow of energy (Qi) throughout the body. When experiencing a mental disorder, your body needs to be restored to allow the nourishing energy to revive and heal you from within. To remove blockages and promote the flow of energy, small, sterile needles are painlessly inserted into specific parts of the body, stimulating the body’s ability to restore itself and provide relief.
Research supports the use of acupuncture for a wide range of psychological and physical symptoms, and when used in conjunction with a comprehensive treatment plan, many people experience significant benefits from this form of holistic therapy. It can be particularly beneficial for those suffering from trauma-based disorders as it allows you to experience therapeutic release without having to discuss your painful memories.
At Dansk Rehabilitering, we have found that clients who engage in acupuncture experience improved results and find a sense of peace and stability, as well as increased awareness of both their emotional and somatic conditions.
By utilizing their many years of experience, our acupuncturists can identify the blockages you are experiencing and stimulate the parts of the body that are related to your symptoms, thus promoting neural connections and opening up the flow of energy. By engaging your natural healing abilities, you can regain trust in your body and find quick release from mental illness.
Dansk Rehabilitering is located amidst the beautiful nature between Svinkløv to the east and Bulbjerg to the west. We are situated in a location where there is always peace and tranquility.
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