To Relatives

Assistance in understanding and managing mental disorders together.

At Dansk Rehabilitering, we understand that mental disorders have a wide impact and not only affect you but also your loved ones. Witnessing a family member suffer can be a painful and sometimes disorienting experience, and your family may need help in understanding what you’re going through, how to manage their own emotions, and how to best support you. Research shows us that family support can be crucial in recovering from almost all mental disorders.

Dansk Rehabilitering offers family and couples support for you and your loved ones when you’re at a stage where you can benefit from this work. The ability to provide meaningful support and maintain balanced relationships relies on having a clear understanding of the illness and its effects on you, managing interpersonal conflicts, and establishing healthy coping strategies. We also recognize that family members often need support in managing the challenges posed by your mental disorders.

PTSD pårørende


Our empathetic psychotherapists share their knowledge about the mental disorder you are experiencing and can answer any questions your family may have to gain a better understanding of what you are going through. You can also participate by informing your family members about your experiences. Demystifying mental disorders and correcting misconceptions can make the condition less daunting and more manageable. Isolation, shame, and self-blame are often alleviated when families learn the facts about these illnesses and realize that they are not alone.

What is PTSD?

We would like to share some informative videos with you about PTSD. These videos can help you gain a better understanding of what your loved one is experiencing and how you can best support them through their healing journey.